Don’t Let Fear Stop Your New Years Resolutions!
Don’t let fear confuse you! Whatever simultaneously inspires and terrifies us shows us our life path. Why? Because our lives are designed to help us grow, growth means we have to change, and it’s...
View ArticleMistakes are part of life – and it’s never too late to correct them. All time...
We all make mistakes, and it’s okay! How else will we learn and grow? When we realize we’ve made a mistake, the key is to not get stuck in regret. Truly, all time IS now. The full power of the...
View ArticleGet Consistently Accurate Intuitive Messages From Your Guides and Angels with...
Hey, all you intuitives out there! Have you noticed how sometimes your intuitive messages are right on the money, and other times they are off? This happens when our focus is out into the world,...
View ArticleAsking for Grace with the Lightworkers Healing Method of Divine Energy Healing
Dear friends, have you noticed how easy it is to agree that grace is unlimited, but how we forget to act as if we truly believe that? Here is a way to relate to the truth of unlimited grace. Try it in...
View ArticleCalling All Angels – Team Universe Needs You!
My dear friend, Have you ever thought you are a special person? Yes of course we are all special, but I mean this in an unusual way. If you are special in the way I’m talking about, I need your help...
View ArticlePain and Joy Both Open the Heart The purpose of life is to experience JOY, but it’s up to us to make that happen for ourselves. The obvious question: “HOW?” Here’s a short clip filmed during a recent class in...
View ArticleJoyfully Diving Into the Pool of Life with the Lightworkers Healing Method When we want to BE who our souls want us to be and live the lives we’ve come into bodies to live, it’s helpful to...
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